Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Vines & Branches

Our 3 year wedding anniversary is 1.5 weeks away (12/31), our 4 year plane crash anniversary is coming up (1/15) and our 7 years of dating/being together is right around the corner (1/20)

We have so many blessings to celebrate. When I think about God and all that he has been faithful to do I realize HE DID IT ALL. Without me and my help.

He brought Chris to a place where he was ready to date me...then a place (through tragedy) where he was ready to marry me. Thankfully starting out family was not such a big area of struggle.

Waiting for me has always been such a struggle. I am such a 'go getter' kinda gal. I see something that I want or believe in and I make it happen! God is gently reminding me to let him lead me in his will for my life.

Today I was spending time in John reading about abiding in the True Vine. 
A few things that came to mind as I read:

One: A branch is only as good as its vine. I am nothing and have no place to belong if I am not attached to The Vine.
Second: A vision as I read this passage came to mind. I thought of being a lowly branch and being towards the root of the vine. Two things I saw in regards to being low: Bowing low to Jesus and his majesty and also being close to the deep roots and first waters that the vine receives.

I want the Holy Spirit to be my first source of life and I also want to live a life that bows low to his desires for my growing.

The passage that struck me most and I have prayed over today is John 15:2 ' He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.'

He Prunes every branch that DOES bear fruit.

Glory, Glory! This means he is growing me, making me more holy and more like him.
I dont doubt that all the waiting ,all the trauma and all the struggles (big and small) were all part of his pruning process to bring more holiness and create a more fruitful life in me.

Looking back it has been a tough journey, very dark at times. Today I look over my life and all the pruning God has graciously done in my life and I am humbled that he chose to spend so much time caring for me. My heart. My life. My spirit. My relationship with him!

As I approach 2013 (if we make it past Friday) I choose to abide in my True Vine and have a willingness to do as he sees fit for my life as a wife, mother, friend and sister.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Carry Your Name

When questions arise from these horrific acts like Friday all I can do is listen to worship. Thankfully Pandora plays my 'like' songs over and over again! This song has given me such a needed reminder that by HIS WOUNDS we are healed....those children and families are healed. Couldnt be more happy that we are celebrating his birthday this month. I am also gently painstakingly  reminded that my purpose here is to carry his name to the lost, the needy and broken hearted. I could do so much better.
Praying for peace over ALL who are affected by this tragedy. Its affecting more than just Newtown, although their pain is unlike any we will ever know. Many are struggling emotionally & spiritually and if you are a believer in Jesus, you must recognize that this all started in the spiritual realm. Thankfully we can cling to the fact that it will end in the spiritual realm someday. I have never wanted Heaven more!
Carry Your Name by Chrisy Nockles
How merciful the cross
How powerful the blood
How beautiful Your arms
Open for us

No greater love
God's only Son
Jesus, Jesus
No other name
Mighty to save
Jesus, Jesus

By Your wounds we are healed
And You have conquered the grave
And in Your rising, we will rise
To carry Your name

Above every name

I will carry Your name
Carry Your name
Jesus, Your name forever
For all of my days

Friday, December 14, 2012

New Blog: Oh No GMO

I have been more interested in food, healthy and true wellness more than ever these past few years.
Lately I have been doing lots of reading on GMO's and their health effects on the body, children and their links to disease. I started a blog that you can check out.
Just getting started (there is a lot to cover) but what I am finding and reading causes me great sadness for how our country looks at food, healthy and true wellness.

soundly sleeping

Co-sleeping can be a very controversial issue, especially among new mamas. Before E was born I knew that we would have some form of family bed. We used an in bed co-sleeper, co-sleeper by our bed and also good ol' sleep-right-by-mommy-co-sleeping.

After having the C-section I wanted to have easy access to her in the nights. Feedings were every hour at times. E slept with us in our bed/room till she was probably 4 months old. Then we slowly transitioned her into her crib. There are times I still bring her to bed with me and she nurses back to sleep.

There are MANY controversial issues that new parents face. To immunize, co-sleep, forms of discipline, what kind of food to feed baby, sleep training, to nurse or bottle feed after 6 months, the list goes on.

For Chris and I, many of the issues have come up among our friends and family (who we love, respect and adore).  I think like any decision you must pray and have peace in your heart. There are millions of books and ideas floating around. God needs to confirm any decision in regards to raising your child. One day we will be asked how we cared for God's gifts and knowing we did our best to honor and love God through our parenting is important to Chris and I.

I have never felt peace about letting E cry it out. I believe that babies cry for a reason, not to be manipulative. I believe that E has one form of communication and if I choose not to listen and respond, the trust we have built, may be compromised. Research shows cortisol levels in children left to cry it out creates a fight or flight response. This can affect babies small, developing brains; the research is still coming out about the effects to the brain in children left to cry it out.

My sister’s son had allergies to over 4 foods. He was not sleeping well and I would conclude (and so would she) that was because his tummy was upset. If my sister had let him cry it out she may have missed a very important health issue going on with her son. There are too many reasons a baby cries and to ignore those cries could cause you to miss something important.

I have experienced trauma of my own and it’s a very lonely path. I want to protect E's brain and the trust between she and I.

I believe, and this brings me the most peace, that E won’t be up through the night forever. This too shall pass! I know that for a few short years E may need me through the night and she may need me to offer comfort. I am saddened by parents who say 'he/she needs to learn to self soothe'. I am reminded of Gods scripture that states he will never leave us or forsake us. What happens when we are STILL struggling with the same issue as last week or last year? He is still there. Sleep is a process, not an event. '

Another comforting fact is that God has equipped our bodies to be up at night and to get much less sleep than we think we need. Hormones that God gave us allow us to function on less than we think is possible. Hallelujah!

When I think about parenting I think about God; about his grace, his mercy and his compassion.

Sometimes these parenting styles don’t seem to be filled with compassion. Good intentions, yes! These styles come from tired, worn out mamas. Don’t get me wrong, IM TIRED! I was up every hour last night (E has an ear infection). Parenting is the ultimate call to servant hood! And that previous statement is what I know many of us struggle with. Not sure what some people signed up for but when you let a book or other parenting philosopies that promises a 'perfect baby', especially in the name of Jesus, I think you're in for a long road of disappointment. Think about what may be sacraficed in the long run.

Something to think on:

Babies, like you and I, are not perfect easy. It takes time to learn new skills (math, running long distance, and sewing). I didn’t learn in college in one night. And at times I needed a tutor, a study group and even one on one help from the teacher.

I just encourage parents to really look at each philosophy, book, idea and piece of advice from friends, through God's filter. Let these ideas be sifted through his heart for you and your child.

There are only so many days that our sweet ones will want to let us rock them to sleep or cuddle them at 3am. Before we know it these moments won’t be around.

Spend time praying, be confident in your path and encourage others to do the same. We are not all going to be the same. We are different people with very different children. Education and prayerful consideration are important when it comes to each childs needs and parenting path. Easy always looks better.

A book I love is Sally Clarkson: Mission of Motherhood

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Quinoa Oatmeal

Coconut Milk Breakfast Quinoa
serves 2
1/2 cup dry quinoa, rinsed
3/4 cup canned lite coconut milk + more for drizzling
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon + more for sprinkling
pinch of salt
1 banana, chopped
1/3 cup toasted pecans, chopped
Combine quinoa, coconut milk, cinnamon and vanilla in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, cover, and let cook for 15 minutes until quinoa can be fluffed with a fork.
Divide quinoa into two bowls then cover with bananas, berries, pecans, and a few extra drizzles of coconut milk.

Monday, November 26, 2012


I have always been a huge nickname person. I guess I just get  names from moments that mean a lot  or funny conversations in my life with others.

Elaina has so many nicknames and she is only  6 months. Imagine what 10 years or 18 years will do.

E- Just her first initial

Elaina Carynina (Caryn-nin-a)- no real reason :)

Bumba- Elaina has a little induction team. These darling kiddos sang, danced and marched the evening I started labor. They sang a sang....' bum bumba-way-a, come,come, Eliana.' We got Bumba from the song and often sing her 'her song.'

Sugar Buns- just a sweet, fun name

Nanni- Liam our sweet nephew called E Nanni. I looked up the meaning &it means grace or favor.

Angel- Chris' special name for her when she is crying

Im sure more names will come as she grows and we experience different moments.

What nicknames do you have?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Finding it hard...

This is the season of Thanksgiving and delight in all that God has done. He has done a lot!

For me though this season is always shadowed by mini bursts of depression and darker days. The weather and inability to be outside plays a part but I also just think its a cycle my body has been in for a few years. Its nothing too concerning but I am always aware of how I can to boost my spirits and brighten my days.

A few things have added to this couple year cycle. 1.) life changes, no matter how wonderful they can cause stress 2.) election and most of the dooms-dayers surrounding the future of our country and impending fiscal cliff 3.) taking care of a sick Bumba, and hubby as of late

I have always struggled with worrying. Something that was more nurture than nature. How will we survive if there is a fiscal cliff? What will happen to all our savings? Did I pick the right baby food for E? Am I 'working' hard enough at home? Will we be affected by the health care reform, since we are on private insurance through Chris's work? What if all  my worrying affects Elaina? What if things do get worse? What exactly is worse? What if Chris looses his job in January with all the sequestration (since there has been no department of defense budget in a couple years)? What if our new furnace exploded (like that family on the news)? What if the show Revolution comes true (I do not watch that show, only know the premise)?


Like I said in a previous post I see my need for God in a new way. The need has always been there, I just cant be lazy in getting my heart, mind and actions right before God. I have little eyes watching, feeling and experiencing my issues.

A few years back I was in counseling and Andrea asked me, 'what would you say to a little child if they were worrying?'..."I'd probably says....its okay, don't worry. (in a calm, reassuring voice)...God loves us so much and cares for us. We can trust  him...I know its hard. I love you and am here for you". She reminded me that this is how God talks to us. In a way which reassures us and gives us his PEACE! If we let it.

This Thanksgiving Im honestly grateful for struggle and the chance to deepen my walk & prayer life with Christ. Proclaming truth and working daily to live it out.  There will always be things to worry about. But God has given me clear, defined tasks that he wants me to care for and when I worry those things get shadowed. I want them to be a the forefront.

Not sure if you struggle with worry, doubt, depression, darker days or fear. Here are a few things that  help me.

~Working out
~Listening to music
~Memorizing scripture
~Getting out of the house, even to go to Whole Foods or Target
~Seeing friends
~Being outside (getting out of the house)
~Talking to family

I have taken a few natural supplements that have helped
~Star of Bethlehem (best one I have found!)
~Vitamin B complex

Struggling helps us connect with others who are broken, lost and needing hope. As a believer I have true Hope and through these struggle I can connect and be more real with others.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Working on me.....

"It is a privilege to trust the Lord, and we can only do so if we are delighted at the prospect of being reliant upon His goodness towards us."

Friday, October 12, 2012

Emotional Highjacking: wrote this a week ago..why didnt it post?

Today my sister sent me an article from The Blaze. The article spoke about defense contractors and their compliance with the administration to fore go the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN); contractors are required to give workers a 60 day notice if they are about to be laid off. This request was made because many lay-offs are planned for January 2013, and 60 days previous, would be days before the election. My husbands company, I read in the article, complied.  They essentially have blackmailed these companies,offering to pay their legal fees if they wait till January to do lay offs.

My emotions went hay-wire. Having a 5 month old, just having gone under contract for a house...MY HUSBAND CANT LOSE HIS JOB!!

I drove home crying, after holding my new nephew...seeing the promise of new life in his little eyes. How could I let my joy be stolen. When I have the God I have, when I know the abounding love he has for me, for Chris and for E.

I was gently fiercely shaken to my core when I finally realize that I needed God more than I did yesterday. I think at times I am close and living in his promises and then days like yesterday remind me, I NEED MORE!

I need more Communion, more companionship, more love, more intimacy with God. I can always go deeper, I can always enter new levels of relationship with God. By his power, I can be more holy, more at peace, more in tune with the  kingdom and the King!

My hope and prayer for today is that I make choices that allow me to live, moment by moment in the presence. Not just at certain times of the day; reading my bible, listening to music, or praying, but every moment letting the Spirit guide my heart, thoughts and actions. Sanctification!

Saying NO! to TV, NO! to articles that I know will bring fear. At this time in my life, I am not healthy enough to fight the war. I need to get stronger.

I'm working on being stronger. One of my major areas for growth is comparison.

I was reading that night in John about Peter. In John 21:21 it reads....
"When Peter saw him (John, the disciple whom Jesus loved), he asked 'Lord, what about him'? Jesus answered, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me."

At times I want to know my future, I want to know what God has planned for my extended families future, I spend too much time comparing. This passage reminds me that I need to do Gods will for my life, stop comparing. I need to spend more time focusing on my calling, not worrying about others. I need to put my energies into following Him, and his call for me!

 If I am following God, he will equip me for whatever is to come. Good or bad. Easy or tough. His glory is at stake.

"You are my called ones, you have tough futures ahead of you, but the glory God will gain will be immeasurable.  Love is the only motivation that can afford this kind of cost. I'm a carpenter, custom blue prints are my specialty. Gods glory is my goal, fill your cisterns to the brim & follow me!"

~Beth Moore

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Sleeping in mama's bed.
People told me before I had E that I would love her in ways I never knew love.

They were right.

E has awakened me and my spirit in new ways. I want to protect her and my family in ways before I brushed off. What kinds of television I watch, music I listen too, what I say when someone cuts me off (no cuss words), how I respond to Chris when I'm irritable sleep deprived.

I have been doing a bible study in John and learning about how much John loved Jesus. John wanted to 'lean into' Jesus at every chance he had. He wanted to be Jesus' bff!

I know that whether or not I like it ( at this moment I do!) that E will be leaning into me, she will be, in not so many words, my bff for many years to come. She will be watching me, learning from me and lord willing growing closer to Him bc of me and Chris.

Im not overwhelemed in the least.

Having a baby, a child, is more than just having 'your heart outside your body' its dying to your body and self in a whole new way.

I have posted previously that I am sleep deprived and up a lot. Well this week E has had a cold and raspy cough.  I am teary eyed thinking how uncomfortable she is and how tired I am. Her runny nose is pitiful, but she smiles through it all.

E will 'call' for me as she grows, she will 'call' for me to be an example; calling me to live out the life I am telling her she should choose (life with Jesus). E looks to me to learn about hope, about grace and peace. She may not be verbally call me now but I know that God is calling me to die to myself, in new ways, so she can know him one day!

I thought marriage was hard, parenthood takes you to a whole new level. Deeper. More transparent.

There is no hiding.

Halleluajh for GRACE!!!

Tonight I pray for all the mama's I know. That you would lean into Jesus. Let him be your stronghold, your energy when you are sleep deprived and your new mercy tomorrow morning, even if morning is 4:23am. Im praying for mothers who are navigating discipline and training with their littles ones. I know there are many more things to pray, God knows them all.

I need more Jesus. I always knew I needed more than I had yesterday, maybe I'm just listening more now.

More is at stake!

Glory is at stake!
Playing with my sweet Roo.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

5 months old and her very first cold

E has her first cold. She has been the happiest sick kids I have ever seen, things could be worse.

When we are sick, I usually hunker down try to act not sick. Today we have been baking, making soup and getting ready for our week.

I made chocolate chip muffins, turkey noodle soup and steel cut oatmeal bake, and pizza calzone's for C's lunch.

Sunday's have become our rest and prep day. I love cooking/baking and trying to recipes.

A good bowl of chicken noodle soup may help me but E cant have any. Been using homeopathic remedies to help clear this little bug.

My parents never gave us over the counter drugs for a number of reasons but one main reason was the ingredients and their affects on the body.

D&C red #33, FD&C blue #1, FD&C red #40, flavors, sodium benzoate, sorbitol solution, high fructose corn syrup.... are found in most common medicines.

Many people will argue the affects of these ingredients and some will think I'm cookoo for thinking HFCS is different than sugar or honey. I am not here for debate. HFCS, to me, signals poor food quality and processed ingredients; the food item is probably deplete of nutriance, freshness, and essential vitamins/minerals.

I have started weeding out where I can.

Here are a few of the homeopathic things we have been doing, that have been helping.

 Heel BHI- I bought the sinus bc Whole Foods didnt have cold and flue I break this up and add it to cod liver oil and give in a syringe. This brand has no sodium benzoate- even other homeopathic remedies had this ingredient. Heel carries remedies for bronchitis, flu/cold, headache, to name a few.

Steam- we just hang in the bathroom with the shower on hot.

Nose bulb or nose frida - suction out that stuffy nose

Burts Bees Hand Salve- this is applied to E's feet with wool sox and then her jammie's go over for the night. Its a natural alternative to Vicks Vapor Rub

Breast milk- you can use a saline nasal rinse, Neil Med makes a child one. But breast milk works great and is free!

Humidifier- Colorado is so dry. Adding a little moisture, I'm hoping will help with the dry air.

Swing- E has been sleeping in her swing which for me is not a big issues, except I feel she sleeps better when she is still.

Feeding on demand: I have always fed on demand and feel that with her being sick she needs this even more; most importantly, I know it keeps her hydrated. When in doubt, I offer her milk and let her do as she pleases. When she is not sick its a source of comfort, even more so now, it helps her fall asleep and rest.

Huge thanks to my doula Jen, with Eden's Promise, for some of these homeopathic tips.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Homemade Ketchup

I have been working at keeping high fructose corn syrup out of our kitchen. I cant always do so but when I can I try.

I ran across this SUPER easy recipe and its really good. My husband doesn't like ketchup and he liked it :)

Recipe: I doubled so I could give some away

6 ounces tomato paste
2/3 cup apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup water
2 tbsp of your preferred sugar substitute (optional)
2 tbsp onions
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp salt
1/8 tsp ground allspice
1/8 tsp ground cloves
1/8 tsp pepper

 I chopped the onions up first in food processor. They were not completly chopped but good enough to add to the rest of the mix.
 2 8oz can tomato past and 1 can tomato sauce. I doubled my recipe. And added to it!!
 Apple Cider Vinegar- I would add less than they say.
 Mix all together in food processor or blender. I transitioned to both.
 Add sugar- I added less.
Air tight container...I will be giving some away.
Want any? Let me know I can give you a 6-8 oz mason jar.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mind Blown

I just made the most amazing carrot, zucchini muffins from carrots and zucchini from our friends garden.  I have not tasted carrots that fresh and carrot-y in FOREVER!!

Here is the recipe. Add a few more tablespoons of flour- my first batch was too gooey.

Eating fresh from the earth produce makes me excited for my garden, next spring, at my new house!!!!

Chris and I, within a 24 hour period, bought a house!

Last month we casually started talking about what we would want in a home. Kitchen, yard and open space floor plan was a must for us! We looked in Zillow.

We were looking and I eventually started a favorite list with a realtor, Maggie, who sent me houses within our price range. We came upon a few hours (5) and within that there was 'the one'.
I begged Chris to let us go see a few, and if nothing worked out or we didn't like them we would hold out till next year. Keep in mind we have not even called a mortgage lender to see if we qualified, or what we qualified for.

Saturday the 15th,  we go see one house, a investor had redone it and we loved the yard but that was all. The layout was crummy (only master upstairs, rest were down) and it was on a street  more run down that we had wanted.

We came home from that showing and I see 'the one'; showings don't start for 5 days and we take the first available, on Thursday the 20th. We loved it from the moment we enter. The yard is amazing, lots of trees, great space for a garden, chickens and exploration for the babies.

As we are looking around we realize that there are areas we will want to redo. Fixtures, counter tops, cabinets, paint. All things that with any house in our price range we would want to work on.
The real kicker that the kitchen, although dated more than we like, is in great condition, and is open to the rest of the house. There are 5 bedrooms, did I say the yard is amazing? When we walked into the largest downstairs bedroom I told Chris 'this could be our homeschooling room', as I said that I opened the closet door to find, floor to ceiling book and supplies for homeschooling.


We went home and decide to think about it, get in touch with a mortgage broker and see what we qualified for.
Within 20 hours (Friday) of seeing that house we hear that an offer has been made. Within hours our realtor is over and we are putting in an offer. At 7:00 our offer goes in and we wait.....
Saturday (the next day) we get a text saying the family is still deciding but was "deeply touched" by the note we wrote to them.

"Dear Family,
 We stepped our in faith to even start looking at houses. When we saw your home online we knew we had to see it. Once we walked in the door we fell in love. As a young family, we can envision our self growing here, hosting many holidays and homeschooling in the 'homeschool room'. Thank you for your time and consideration"

It went something like that.

On Satuday, the leasing agency called our realtor and asked if we want to see it again and, of course we did!

We go over, meet the family and do another walk through. I was guessing that a leasing agent doesn't invite you back over if they are not going to offer you the house....or at least  I hoped it was not a mean trick.

The family was extremely kind, loving and warm. A pastor in town and a stay at home mom of 3. We had small talk about homeschooling, E and what we did for work. Later found out they googled us and know we were on the Hudson flight. We sat with the family on the back porch, their daughter played with E. And then they accepted our offer!!

So from Thursday night at 5:30-Saturday at 5:30 we saw a house, put in an offer and went under contract for a house. When we weren't 'really' looking.

So many things fell into place; down payment, mortgage rate, things the family offered to include that were not in the offer. Things that we cant take any credit for, it was all God.
2462 Vintage Dr. Love the street address
 Big plans for the entry Chris just has to remind me that we can only do one thing at a time. Im looking for a wood bench and china hutch/buffet. Know of anyone who is selling one?
 New Kitchen will be gree, and then over time we will do some aqua, teal and cream-like colors in the living and dining room

 Family room with WOOD BURNING fireplace!
 Home School Room/Cousin Cove
 The yard wraps around the house and has lots of trees
Now we're working to get our place rented out, we have 3 showings this week. Hoping one takes and then November 2nd we move in!

If you know anyone who needs a 2 bed, 2.5 bath unfinished basement for $795.00 open November 6th let me know!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A story to tell

Its been almost 4 years since our plane, crash landed in the Hudson River. You may be surprised that we are about to do our first public speaking engagement!!

We have been in newspapers, done a radio program and I have been working with an author to write a book.

Sharing our story this weekend will be such a different experience than if we had done it the day after the plane crash, or if we had done it a year ago, the story would not be the same.

Nothing is the same.

Who I was the day we crashed, shows very little resemblance of who I am today. I don’t think I’m better or worse, just different.

I see the world with eyes that are not candy coated anymore.

People don’t realize that split seconds of trauma can alter your brain, physiology and even your heart. Those quarter seconds when I thought we were going to be drowning dying in the plane altered me. It was not until almost a year after the PC that I realized that it had done so.

What’s trauma for you, may not be traumatic for me, vice versa.

An amazing book I read Trusting God, coupled with prayer from a lay pastor & EMDR helped me deal with the most traumatic and life changing event in my life.

I am not defined by this event...its part of my story. It used to be a huge mountain in front of me, I never thought it would be in my rear view mirror. Today, I glance back and see it, only the peak, not the whole thing.

My story is to point people to God, to power and might. To be a speaker of truth and be a HIStory maker! Not only share the history behind this event but more importantly how HIS story, of love, sovreingty and mercy overshadow the whole event.

The challenge scares me at times, but I want to obey God because glory is a stake.

That day, I was scared beyond words, I thought I might die. God saved me; he gave me strength that I probably never thought I could have. And I can trust he will continue to strengthen me for his purpose and glory!

Listen to our story

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


free spirit
retro kitchen
hot hubby
Flying- A LOT
flagstaff house
hiding friendship box under bed
make up tutorial
how did we become friends?
idol- I wanna be that secure in who I am
'Best Friend'
lover of her mother

Tracy was in my life for a period of months, I am honestly not aware of how we became friend. We went to church together and like most people I am friends with, I just liked who she was and wanted what she had.

This woman embodies so many qualities that I hope to posses someday. She writes a blog that more often than not, makes my spirit shift beacuse I am challenged to think in new ways, feel deeper than before and seek God without fear.

If you need encouragement, a new perspective or a good laugh cry, follow this blog!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Dough'nt make bread anymore, Karin!

I have tried making bread and I'M NOT GOOD!Or maybe my oven is to blame.

I am not sure if I need to adjust for high altitude...but my bread is dense, with absolutely no airy-ness about it. So, Chris said I need a bread machine. If you use one, and like it or know a good brand,let me know.

Tonights bread included. (Might I add, I had dinner ready to be baked/cooked by 4:45. All I needed to do was pop in over! Its been one of those days, thank you Lord.)

Acorn Squash-made in crock pot.


--acorn squash
--2 T brown sugar

--2 T butter

--2 tsp cinnamon

--4 pinches of salt

I use a 4 quart crockpot.Cut the squash in quarters, and scoop out the seeds and stringy pulp. I gave the innards to the guinea pigs; they were thrilled.

Put 1/2 T of butter and 1/2 T of brown sugar into each quarter. Sprinkle 1/2 tsp of cinnamon onto each brown sugar pile.
Add a small pinch of salt to each quarter.

Lower the pieces into your crockpot. Cover and cook on high for 2 hours, or on low for about 3. The squash is finished when it is fork tender and peels away from the skin easily.

Seared-Sage Chicken:

6 boneless, skinless chicken breast, (about 2 pounds)
12 fresh sage leaves
freshly ground pepper
½ cup extra-virgin olive oil
4 garlic cloves, peeled

Place the chicken pieces between two sheets of plastic wrap and pound them lightly with the smooth side of a meat mallet or small, heavy skillet to a thickness of about 1/4 inch. Repeat with the remaining chicken pieces.

Lay 2 or 3 sage leaves on one side of each breast and fasten them to the breast with a toothpick, weaving in and out as if you were taking a stitch. The toothpicks should lie flat. Season the chicken generously with salt and pepper and lay them in a baking sheet into which they fit comfortably. Rub both sides of the chicken breasts with the oil. Whack the garlic cloves with the flat side of a knife and scatter them over the chicken. Cover the pan tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate1 hour.

Heat one or two large, nonstick or well-seasoned cast-iron skillets over medium-high heat. Add as many of the chicken pieces, sage side down, as will fit in a single layer. Cook until well browned on the underside, about 2 minutes. Turn the chicken and cook until the second side is browned and no trace of pink remains in the center, 1 to 2 minutes. (If you don't have enough pans, or large enough pans, to cook the chicken in one batch, keep the first batch of chicken warm on a baking sheet in an oven turned to the lowest setting while cooking the remaining chicken.) Serve immediately.
Roast in the oven at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes with some seasoning and a little olive oil. Then drizzle with about 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 3 tablespoons of honey, and about 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar. Pop them back into the oven for about 5 more minutes to achieve sweet, salty, still slightly cruchy perfection!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Recipe of the week:Rosemary Bread

We buy rosemary bread at Costco and Whole Food almost every week. We just love it, on sandwhich's, with soup and smothered in butter!

I have made bread a few times and realized I should get good at this one, since we love it so!

  • 1 1/2 cup all-purpose or bread flourshopping list
  • 3/4 cup whole-wheat flour shopping list
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powdershopping list
  • 3/4 teaspoon dried rosemary or leaves from a 6-8 inch fresh sprig, chopped shopping list
  • 1/2 teaspoon saltshopping list
  • 2 large eggsshopping list
  • 1 cup milkshopping list
  • 1/4 cup olive oilshopping list
  • 1/3 cup pitted imported olives, chopped

  • How to make it: I will be using my crock pot this time.

    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and position a rack in the lower third of the oven. Grease a 6-cup loaf pan (about 8x4 inches).
    • Whisk together the flours, baking powder, rosemary, and salt.
    • In a separate large bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, and olive oil.
    • Add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients and fold together until the dry ingredients are about 3/4 moistened.
    • Add the olives. Fold until the pieces are distributed and dry ingredients are well incorporated and moistened.
    • Scrape the batter into the pan and spread evenly. Bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, about 40-45 minutes. Let cook in the pan on a rack for 5-10 minutes before unmolding from pan to cool completely on a rack.

    Thursday, September 13, 2012


    By: Plumb
    I haven't had
    A chance to sleep
    And when I wake
    I wake with your dreams
    I guess my pillow
    Holds some kind of key
    To your peace
    Your peace

    I wouldn't trade your love for all the candy
    In this great big world
    I feel so crazy blessed and oh so lucky
    To be the place you go
    When you need to feel safe
    When you need a kiss
    It's me


    Well this last night was probably the first night where I wanted to sleep so much, but couldn't. One my mind was racing about the past few days, I started work and then my sweet little one was up a lot.

    I am grateful that on nights where I am up till 3 and then up every 2 hours after that  I can nap and rest. Luckily today, an 1 hour nap gave me energy to work, clean and do laundry.
    Before I had E, I decided that I would welcome night wakings and understand that parenting is an all hours gig: morning, noon, night, and wee hours of the night! Sometimes I find myself so exhausted and clinging to my pillow, praying she is just readjusting before I go care for her. I see her smiley face and I forget what I was doing 20 seconds ago.

    What she needed was me. Me to feed her, me to rock her, me to change her and sometimes me to play with her. I am okay with her needing me. Most of the time I am able to give at every innocent, baby demand and quickly care for her needs. But, me, like most moms have days when its just a bit harder or takes a little more will power (Holy Spirit Power) to be selfless and give. No one tells you that you dont get praised or affirmed for all that  you do as a mom. No one thanks you for changing that poopy diaper for the 3rd time in 5 minutes or for sprinting to make a meal bc baby didnt stay on 'schedule' and hubby will be home in 30 minutes, no one days I really like the way you folded those cloth diapers! You're really doing such a great job.

    Most days you do the same thing over and over again with little variation to the schedule, maybe a different store or show to watch, but really its a lot of the same stuff.

    This is where learning and  having a teachable spirit comes into play for me. God ultimatly affirms me, HE alone gives me my worth. HE sees all that I do, HE cares that  I am tired and just want to sleep a 3 hour stretch at night. HE laughs when I change that poopy diaper 3 times in 5 minutes. HE is thankful that I want to have a home cooked, hot meal on the table for my honey.

    God is my sustainer, not Me.  I don't pull myself up and encourage myself enough to keep working at it. And if I do, I end up far more weary that  I ever needed to be. I think as a mom you realize that babies/kids rely on you so much, you may start to think you have to have do it all.

    I have been memorizing scripture, trickled daily devotionals around my house (wherever I nurse) and worked at setting myself up to learn and really grasp that God has not only called me to motherhood but he will sustain me through it. ALL OF IT!  Me and Me dont work, Me and God do!

    Here are some sleepy pics.
     Sleeping on a plane
     Sleeping in our bed!
     Sleeping while on a walk
    Sleeping in the car

    Tuesday, September 11, 2012

    I see the Light

    Literally....24/7. My little light, Elaina, has been on a unintentional sleep strike. She has been growing and realizing how much fun her hands and blankie are. We had almost 3 weeks where she only slept for 30 mins in the day and 2-3 hour stretches at night. Praise God for 2nd and 3rd mornings, as Auntie Do likes to call them.

    Lo and Behold- she is back to normal. She is taking 2.5 hour naps and sleeping 4-6 hours at night. HALLELUJAH!

     E has been grabbing all her toys, putting them into her mouth and talking like she is a public defendant
    E alway sloves our Sunday Starbuck run. She plays with the straws and coffee sleeves. Before we know it she will be drinkign her own vanilla frappicion or salted hot chocolate (thats at least 3 years down the day!)

    On another note that hinges a lot of E's sleep is that I start working again this Wednesday. I will be working from home 20 hours a month. 3-5 of those are outside the home and Chris will be home with baby when I do those hours. This job is still with H&H, I will be writing home studies for families who are getting licensed to care for children.

    I am excited to be working, I think it will tap into my intellectual brain a bit more and help me fill those long nap times...not that I dont already have enough to do during those hours.
    A tip Ill leave you with that brightened my day, a recipe for a lovely Williams Sonoma scented house.

    1 tablespoon vanilla
    1 rosemary sprig
    2 slices of lemon, or lemon juice extract
    warm in over all day long


    Wednesday, August 29, 2012

    Time is Ticking

    I have been thinking, since before I got married and had kiddos, that I would consider homeschooling.
    Having been a child who learned predominately by doing, hands on and life experience I really felt behind in many ways. I was homeschooled in HS and I would have to say that experience was hard given the circumstances. As a mama I realize that its my job to protect my kids when they cannot protect themselves. I am also supposed to have foresight into their needs and skills. Homeschooling would give us the freedom to give each child 1 on 1 help as well as focus on our family values when our kids are most teachable. I read a list of 15 benefits of HS- I highlighted a few of my benefits.

    The Top 15 Benefits of Homeschooling

    You get to...
    1. Control what your children learn and when they learn it.
    2. Show your children that learning is not boring, but exciting.
    3. Build intimate and meaningful relationships with your children.
    4. Tailor your teaching to fit your children's dominant learning styles.
    5. Give your children in-depth, personal attention in any subject with which they struggle or excel.
    6. Create a weekly schedule that fits your needs and allows you to do things without the constraint of a traditional classroom schedule.
    7. Transfer your values and beliefs to your children and address their questions when they have them.
    8. Protect your children from the negative influences they may encounter outside the home.
    9. Teach more effectively by interacting with your children 1-on-1.
    10. Nurture your children's natural (musical, artistic, mathematic) talents so they thrive and grow.
    11. Address "big issues" with your children when you feel they're ready.
    12. Share with your children the common, everyday joys of life.
    13. Help your children mature through the difficult times in their lives.
    14. Share the joy of teaching your children with your spouse.
    15. Take vacations during the school year and make them educational.

      Now that's a lot of highlighting! I like the rest but the green are some of my main reasons.

      Having the ability to filter the world for my kids is important, being able to teach to my kids learning styles and work closely with them when they do struggle or excel. I L.O.V.E knowing that I can take my kids to the park or a museum or even on vacation and count that as hours and incorporate education.Flexibility is key to raising kids and knowing that we could meet the needs of the day with flexibility would freeing.

      Living in CS there are MANY homeschool connections. I think CS would set any family up for successful homeschooling if you wanted to take the plunge. are disadvantages.....

      The Top 10 Potential Disadvantages of Homeschooling

      You may have to...
    16. Spend 24 hours a day with your children for several days at a time.
    17. Justify homeschooling to family and friends who oppose your decision to learn at home.
    18. Be very patient with your children when it seems they aren't learning anything at all.
    19. Deal with the frustrations of sometimes being "behind."
    20. Spend more money on your children's education than you're accustomed to.
    21. Get out of your comfort zone to learn how to homeschool effectively.
    22. Encourage your children even when you don't feel like it.
    23. Seek advice from other homeschooling parents when you encounter problems you're not equipped to handle.
    24. Research a few curriculum programs before you find one that works for you and your family.
    25. Put forth more effort to find children with whom your children can build quality relationships.

    The highlights are really a lot of planning/prep work, and I have 4-5 years before Ill need to start that. I am praying that God would intervene in the education departments around the city, state and country so that vouchers would be something each family had. Knowing that we would get a bit more money to help with HS. I do know that as my kids age that are subjects I am not as equipped to teach- math and science are not my strong suites. I would then work hard and utilize the co-op or enrichment programs available. 

    Sunday, August 26, 2012

    Home Sweet Home

    Well....we did it. We flew as a family! I have to say these two flights were the BEST I have ever had. Not only did I do better than usual, the flights themselves were AMAZING!

    Elaina slept on each flight, the W.H.O.L.E way.

    We had a blessed time in California. We have so many wonderful family members who loved on us; letting us stay with them to cut costs at hotels, kissed and snuggled E, all the aunties and Grammy watched E so we could do a date night in Malibu. We are very thankful.

    Here are some of our favorite.

     On our flight to arm fell asleep. She helped me stay calm and collected, only a few tears of thankfulness for a good take off.
     Aunt YaYa gave E these booties. They are amazing.
     Auntie Di has a great pool. While daddy surfed, we just laid out.
     Mama and the Suga'
     Chris told me the first day we knew we were going to California that he wanted to take E in the water, dip her toes a bit. He did. For a second. It was too cold.
     Sleeping on the chairs a Do's pool. The kids were so loud that this moment is rest was over before it began.
     Boating: Donna has a great boat that we took our with the family. Captain Chris showed us the beautiful lake and all the houses. A great vacation spot if you ever need one. Westlake Lake was beautiful.
     E slept the whole boat ride- after we got off she was happy as a clam. 'Waiving' hello to all!
     A collage of my favs.
     Do and Grammy had 'learning' time with Elaina. She was sung to and had lots of books.
     Sleeping on the beach the second day. Grandpa is a great resting place.
     Donna came up with a great term. First morning and second morning. Since E wakes up early and then quickly lays down for a second nap she has 2 mornings. This was first morning and the FIRST AND ONLY time E gets to watch tv with my permission. Donna found a 5 minute Tow-Mater show on Disney and taped if for Saturday morning cartoons with E. It was so sweet. Donna always things of the small things.
     At the Getty
     Daddy and E before boarding out flight home
     Driving back to the Springs....we all just want out cozy, warm bed
    Good bye California. We had such great memories.

    Thursday, August 16, 2012

    A shield

    I love you, Lord, my strength.
    The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
        my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
        my shield[b] and the horn[c] of my salvation, my stronghold.
    I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise,
        and I have been saved from my enemies. 

    You, Lord, keep my lamp burning;
        my God turns my darkness into light.
    29 With your help I can advance against a troop[e];
        with my God I can scale a wall.
    30 As for God, his way is perfect:
        The Lord’s word is flawless;
        he shields all who take refuge in him.

    We are about to embark on a family first., Flying with Elaina! 

    As many of you know flying has been extremely hard for me since 2010. With lots of mercy from God, help from a professional and sometimes a sip of  water wine I have made it through many flights. We are headed to California and its going to be a quick, easy flight. Since I am not able to have a glass of wine or take anything (I tried Xanax for Paris and I didn't notice a difference), I am relying on GOD! and hoping that focusing on E's needs will help relieve some of my normal anxiety. I gotta stay in control for her (and for everyone else on the flight)!

    For me flying is a way that I live out my faith. I live out my trust in God, depending on his grace and power. By flying I am letting others know that I am not defeated or overcome by fear, even though at times I feel like I am.

    Please pray for God hand over us, the plane and all that is connected to the trip. We are so excited to celebrate Ally's wedding and have a great vacation!