Friday, March 29, 2013


ear infection, double ear infection
Good Friday
dessert night for work
reading: families where grace is in place, sacred influence & same kind of different as me
lay in my bed
nap time with mommy
gym: HIIT
Easter baskets
party prep
reading blogs
canceling on friends
doctor: physical
free coffee: only 2 days left
waiting for hubby
Psalm 8: daily reading
baking: oatmeal PB bars
swinging in the backyard

Oh, these are just a few of the things my week has consisted of.
Thankfully, this week has been a leanin' into Jesus week. I was so encouraged by this blog post by Sally (I always am!) I have praying through the things that take my attention and mind away from my calling as a mama & wife. We got rid of TV a few months back and I have to say, its been a great decision. I deleted a lot of my apps on my phone and our family has a no phone hour(s) from 6-9pm every night. We just have too many attention suckers in our  life!

I think as E grows she will know more and more and feel what I care about; her or my phone/computer/tv.
In this article Sally talks about mothers not having direction. Well I think, many people (moms) have direction, but its the wrong direction.

"When I look out a young moms today, I feel compassion, and I also feel that they are like sheep without a shepherd. Many long for direction and input and wisdom, help and support, a night of sleep, a couple of hours away—a small break from all the pressures, yet the mamas don’t know where to go to find this small bit of help."

I have been searching for the direction of our family, my marriage & my parenting. The direction that God has for us, not the world. So many times its easy to 'pin' a idea or a good thought or compare with others on what 'works'. But God is my director and I need him. Taking time to read his word and his thoughts, not pinterests. Although it can be helpful and fun, its not the ultimate word.

I am working on blueprints for our family- what do I hope to have built in 5, 10, 15 years? What are the plans I have in place. Like a house being built from the ground up, I need to plan (in these early years), prepare (with Gods word, support & discipline), and then execute the plan God has for us, all while listening to him as he directs us.

Sometimes it seems so daunting and scary. I get scared bc this little life is so precious to me and I want to treat it with the most honor and gratefulness that I can. What a beautiful gift.

All I can do is continue to lean into Jesus, his grace and mercy and his holy spirit (GLORY!) to lead and guide me.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


I have a 10.5 month old little, bundle of bright, sunshine. Today I woke to her smiling ear to ear and laughing. She has started laughing at any and everything. Herself mostly! She is exploring a lot more lately, but still not tearing my house apart like I had thought, maybe this is coming!
I have started planning her birthday. Paris is the theme. Pink, Gold and Mint are the colors. We will serve quiche, crepe bar and Italian soda's. Yum!