Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Vines & Branches

Our 3 year wedding anniversary is 1.5 weeks away (12/31), our 4 year plane crash anniversary is coming up (1/15) and our 7 years of dating/being together is right around the corner (1/20)

We have so many blessings to celebrate. When I think about God and all that he has been faithful to do I realize HE DID IT ALL. Without me and my help.

He brought Chris to a place where he was ready to date me...then a place (through tragedy) where he was ready to marry me. Thankfully starting out family was not such a big area of struggle.

Waiting for me has always been such a struggle. I am such a 'go getter' kinda gal. I see something that I want or believe in and I make it happen! God is gently reminding me to let him lead me in his will for my life.

Today I was spending time in John reading about abiding in the True Vine. 
A few things that came to mind as I read:

One: A branch is only as good as its vine. I am nothing and have no place to belong if I am not attached to The Vine.
Second: A vision as I read this passage came to mind. I thought of being a lowly branch and being towards the root of the vine. Two things I saw in regards to being low: Bowing low to Jesus and his majesty and also being close to the deep roots and first waters that the vine receives.

I want the Holy Spirit to be my first source of life and I also want to live a life that bows low to his desires for my growing.

The passage that struck me most and I have prayed over today is John 15:2 ' He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.'

He Prunes every branch that DOES bear fruit.

Glory, Glory! This means he is growing me, making me more holy and more like him.
I dont doubt that all the waiting ,all the trauma and all the struggles (big and small) were all part of his pruning process to bring more holiness and create a more fruitful life in me.

Looking back it has been a tough journey, very dark at times. Today I look over my life and all the pruning God has graciously done in my life and I am humbled that he chose to spend so much time caring for me. My heart. My life. My spirit. My relationship with him!

As I approach 2013 (if we make it past Friday) I choose to abide in my True Vine and have a willingness to do as he sees fit for my life as a wife, mother, friend and sister.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Carry Your Name

When questions arise from these horrific acts like Friday all I can do is listen to worship. Thankfully Pandora plays my 'like' songs over and over again! This song has given me such a needed reminder that by HIS WOUNDS we are healed....those children and families are healed. Couldnt be more happy that we are celebrating his birthday this month. I am also gently painstakingly  reminded that my purpose here is to carry his name to the lost, the needy and broken hearted. I could do so much better.
Praying for peace over ALL who are affected by this tragedy. Its affecting more than just Newtown, although their pain is unlike any we will ever know. Many are struggling emotionally & spiritually and if you are a believer in Jesus, you must recognize that this all started in the spiritual realm. Thankfully we can cling to the fact that it will end in the spiritual realm someday. I have never wanted Heaven more!
Carry Your Name by Chrisy Nockles
How merciful the cross
How powerful the blood
How beautiful Your arms
Open for us

No greater love
God's only Son
Jesus, Jesus
No other name
Mighty to save
Jesus, Jesus

By Your wounds we are healed
And You have conquered the grave
And in Your rising, we will rise
To carry Your name

Above every name

I will carry Your name
Carry Your name
Jesus, Your name forever
For all of my days

Friday, December 14, 2012

New Blog: Oh No GMO

I have been more interested in food, healthy and true wellness more than ever these past few years.
Lately I have been doing lots of reading on GMO's and their health effects on the body, children and their links to disease. I started a blog that you can check out.
Just getting started (there is a lot to cover) but what I am finding and reading causes me great sadness for how our country looks at food, healthy and true wellness.

soundly sleeping

Co-sleeping can be a very controversial issue, especially among new mamas. Before E was born I knew that we would have some form of family bed. We used an in bed co-sleeper, co-sleeper by our bed and also good ol' sleep-right-by-mommy-co-sleeping.

After having the C-section I wanted to have easy access to her in the nights. Feedings were every hour at times. E slept with us in our bed/room till she was probably 4 months old. Then we slowly transitioned her into her crib. There are times I still bring her to bed with me and she nurses back to sleep.

There are MANY controversial issues that new parents face. To immunize, co-sleep, forms of discipline, what kind of food to feed baby, sleep training, to nurse or bottle feed after 6 months, the list goes on.

For Chris and I, many of the issues have come up among our friends and family (who we love, respect and adore).  I think like any decision you must pray and have peace in your heart. There are millions of books and ideas floating around. God needs to confirm any decision in regards to raising your child. One day we will be asked how we cared for God's gifts and knowing we did our best to honor and love God through our parenting is important to Chris and I.

I have never felt peace about letting E cry it out. I believe that babies cry for a reason, not to be manipulative. I believe that E has one form of communication and if I choose not to listen and respond, the trust we have built, may be compromised. Research shows cortisol levels in children left to cry it out creates a fight or flight response. This can affect babies small, developing brains; the research is still coming out about the effects to the brain in children left to cry it out.

My sister’s son had allergies to over 4 foods. He was not sleeping well and I would conclude (and so would she) that was because his tummy was upset. If my sister had let him cry it out she may have missed a very important health issue going on with her son. There are too many reasons a baby cries and to ignore those cries could cause you to miss something important.

I have experienced trauma of my own and it’s a very lonely path. I want to protect E's brain and the trust between she and I.

I believe, and this brings me the most peace, that E won’t be up through the night forever. This too shall pass! I know that for a few short years E may need me through the night and she may need me to offer comfort. I am saddened by parents who say 'he/she needs to learn to self soothe'. I am reminded of Gods scripture that states he will never leave us or forsake us. What happens when we are STILL struggling with the same issue as last week or last year? He is still there. Sleep is a process, not an event. '

Another comforting fact is that God has equipped our bodies to be up at night and to get much less sleep than we think we need. Hormones that God gave us allow us to function on less than we think is possible. Hallelujah!

When I think about parenting I think about God; about his grace, his mercy and his compassion.

Sometimes these parenting styles don’t seem to be filled with compassion. Good intentions, yes! These styles come from tired, worn out mamas. Don’t get me wrong, IM TIRED! I was up every hour last night (E has an ear infection). Parenting is the ultimate call to servant hood! And that previous statement is what I know many of us struggle with. Not sure what some people signed up for but when you let a book or other parenting philosopies that promises a 'perfect baby', especially in the name of Jesus, I think you're in for a long road of disappointment. Think about what may be sacraficed in the long run.

Something to think on:

Babies, like you and I, are not perfect easy. It takes time to learn new skills (math, running long distance, and sewing). I didn’t learn in college in one night. And at times I needed a tutor, a study group and even one on one help from the teacher.

I just encourage parents to really look at each philosophy, book, idea and piece of advice from friends, through God's filter. Let these ideas be sifted through his heart for you and your child.

There are only so many days that our sweet ones will want to let us rock them to sleep or cuddle them at 3am. Before we know it these moments won’t be around.

Spend time praying, be confident in your path and encourage others to do the same. We are not all going to be the same. We are different people with very different children. Education and prayerful consideration are important when it comes to each childs needs and parenting path. Easy always looks better.

A book I love is Sally Clarkson: Mission of Motherhood

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Quinoa Oatmeal

Coconut Milk Breakfast Quinoa
serves 2
1/2 cup dry quinoa, rinsed
3/4 cup canned lite coconut milk + more for drizzling
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon + more for sprinkling
pinch of salt
1 banana, chopped
1/3 cup toasted pecans, chopped
Combine quinoa, coconut milk, cinnamon and vanilla in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, cover, and let cook for 15 minutes until quinoa can be fluffed with a fork.
Divide quinoa into two bowls then cover with bananas, berries, pecans, and a few extra drizzles of coconut milk.